Let copy paper lead you on the right path to success for your next project. Whether you're printing presentation handouts, announcements, signs, or just starting up a new craft project, traditional white copy paper is a versatile canvas that lends itself to achieving just about any printed results you're seeking.
- Jam-resistant printer paper at your ready, you can easily bring your designs to life with black and color ink, which makes this copy paper the perfect choice for use at home, office, or school
- This pack comes complete with 500 sheets and delivers results in all laser, inkjet printers and copiers
- Legal sized (8.5" x 14")
- Paper is certified by the Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI)
Paper Rule Type: Unruled
Color: White
Color Category: Blue, White, Multicolor
Number of Sheets: 500
Warranty information: Boise Paper products are manufactured to rigid specification standards to assure satisfactory performance for specific end use applications. All orders are accepted based on established specifications and that Boise Paper’s product is being purchased for the intended end use. Prior to any claim being given consideration, it must be determined that the cause and responsibility for the complaint lies with Boise Paper’s product. Should you receive product that fails to meet the established specifications or end use requirements, Boise Paper will act responsibly to resolve the issue. Claims will not be allowed for unsatisfactory performance of the product for unintended end uses. Boise Paper will also not be responsible for possible product failure where the paper shows evidence of deterioration due to improper storage, processing on your equipment or handling damage that occurs after you take possession. Any problems arising from paper used or in customer’s possession more than one year from the date of shipment/invoice from a Boise Paper facility will be the responsibility of the user. Claims against this paper will not be honored.